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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Analysis of Royal Mail's Internal Environment Essay
Investigation of Royal Mail's Internal Environment - Essay Example So hazard evaluation and diminishing the hazard are the fundamental needs. So it has confidence in giving a safe working environment to their staffs. The duty regarding this doesn't simply depend on an arrangement, however the organization likewise rouses its workers to assume the liability for guaranteeing a sheltered situation. As a major manager of UK, Royal Mail offers need to wellbeing and security for their bosses, providers and clients. Imperial Mail Group has phenomenal human asset to select, prepare and spur an immense number of workforces. Regal Mail Group conveys authority HR talented people to run a major workforce. In the end the administration will assist workers with identifying which assignments and occupation jobs are generally suitable for an individual’s information and interests. Fantastic compensation, motivator bundle with remunerations are given for the reasonable workers. Enrollment, learning, prize and acknowledgment, corporate social duties are the ke y highlights of the Royal Mail human asset divisions. Each of RMG (Royal Mail Group) operational zones has its HR Business Associates. Regal Mail Group has master groups to create vital HR arrangements in pro regions, for example, enhancement in business, ability the executives and learning. At Royal Mail each worker feels esteemed and regarded. At Royal Mail any kind of separation and badgering, in view of race and sex are not endured. Advancing qualities, practices that perceive and esteem the distinction between individuals, drawing out their latent capacity, upgrading execution and conveying improved administrations to clients are the keys of accomplishment in Royal Mail. Regal Mail Group offers providers the numerous difficulties and advantages that make a decent fruitful relationship. Imperial Mail Group supplies a decent nature of administration or item to clients. Regal Mail has the brands that are believed names like Royal Name, Post Office, Post Office Products and Services, Percelforce Worldwide
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Who Is Jesus Christ Essay Example for Free
Who Is Jesus Christ Essay Jesus is the focal figure of Christianity. For certain adherents, Jesus is the child of God and the Virgin Mary, who lived as a Galilean Jew, was executed under Pontius Pilate, and became alive once again. In any event, for some non-adherents, Jesus is a wellspring of shrewdness. Notwithstanding Christians, some non-Christians accept he worked mending and different wonders. Adherents banter issues of the connection between Jesus as God the Son and God the Father. They likewise banter parts of Mary. Some accept they know insights concerning the life of Jesus not recorded in the sanctioned Gospels. Discussions started such a great amount of debate in the early years that the sovereign needed to assemble social occasions of Church pioneers (ecumenical gatherings) to choose the course of Church approach. In excess of 2,000 years back God sent Jesus Christ into this world. He got one of us, however he didn't do anything incorrectly. He gave us what God resembles tolerant and kind. He recuperated the debilitated individuals, the visually impaired were made to see, the hard of hearing to hear, the faltering to walk. A few people tailed him, and to them he gave another lifestyle God’s way. In any case, others detested Him since He was so acceptable, and he uncovered their malicious ways. He gave his own life as a penance, an installment for our wrongdoings. He kicked the bucket on the cross to spare us. Three days after he passed on, Jesus Christ resurrected. Presently He lives in the intensity of a perpetual life to address your issue, to be your Savior, to excuse your wrongdoings. Jesus Christ is the one in particular who can do this for you. Most proof for Jesus originates from the four accepted Gospels. Feelings contrast on the legitimacy of spurious writings like the Infancy Gospel of Thomas and the Proto-Gospel of James. Maybe the most serious issue with the possibility that Jesus is a generally unquestionable figure for the individuals who don't acknowledge the legitimacy of the Bible is the absence of supporting proof from a similar period. The significant old Jewish history specialist Josephus is generally refered to as referencing Jesus, yet even he lived after the torturous killing. Another issue with Josephus is the issue of messing with his composition. Here are the sections credited to Josephus said to help validate the trustworthiness of Jesus of Nazareth.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
3 Creative Leadership Methods to Spark the Next Big Idea - Focus
3 Creative Leadership Methods to Spark the Next Big Idea - Focus Innovation. Whether you’re watching a recent TED talk or looking up Forbes’ 30 under 30, innovation is a word that will come up over and over again. But as it turns out, it’s not just a buzzword. The likes of Snapchat, who claim to reach a mammoth 41% of all 18-25 year-olds in the U.S. daily, have seen huge gains from coming up with and harnessing, that one bright idea. So we know that creative thinking within startups and companies is leading to growth. The questions is how can you create an environment in which any single member of your team could come up with the next winning concept? We’ve looked at a bunch of studies, and included a hint of personal experience, to collate three proven creative leadership methods. Try these three techniques in your company to promote and sustain creativity in your team: 1. Set up a Team Experiment To create an environment where everyone’s ideas feel welcome, companies should take a leaf out of science’s book. Belle Beth Cooper, productivity expert, believes that by viewing work in a more scientific way, and conducting ideas as experiments, we stand to learn a great deal: “A scientist hasn’t failed in their work if their hypothesis turns out to be incorrect. Rather, all they have to do to succeed in their work is run the experiment and collect data. That data helps them form new hypotheses and run further experiments. Compare this to the average approach to work. There’ll usually be a clear aim in mind and not a great deal of scientific process when it comes to getting the work submitted by a deadline. You either do the work well or not, and turn it in on time, or not.†Buckminster Fuller tried and tested the experimental approach, back in the 1930s. By viewing every professional and personal decision as a micro-experiment, Fuller was able to turn his life around. He transformed from being on the brink of despair to becoming a famous writer, inventor, and designer of the architectural structures he’s remembered for today. You can apply this approach in your leadership too. To increase ideation, show your team that ideas are not only welcome but will be tried out as experiments. Your team will feel more confident to contribute ideas knowing that suggestions won’t succeed or fail, but will simply be proved or disproved, like a hypothesis. Either way, the company will stand to learn, develop and grow. At MeisterLabs, we’ve experimented with a bunch of different methods in our office and company culture, to see what would boost our collaboration and creativity. Some have succeeded (yogi Mondays and Fridays in the office) and some we decided to scrap (not-so-hot-desking Wednesdays). We’ll be running a series of articles soon to talk through these company culture experiments but our MeisterLabs experiments don’t stop there. We also like to experiment with our products its in our name after all. Run a team competition As Michael Kranner, MeisterLabs’ own Growth guy, shared with us on the FOCUS blog previously, our MeisterLabs growth team is the link between product development and marketing. However, product experiments extend outside of just the growth team. This year, the MeisterLabs team are running a competition where every team member is invited to propose a ‘growth experiment’ (or multiple) for either MindMeister or MeisterTask. Whoever comes up with the winning experiment will be awarded a trip to New York, on the company. The aim of the competition is to actively invite all employees, not just the growth team, to take the creative steering wheel. In turn, the company has come together to really be creative with how we think the products could be improved. Everyones suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, regardless of where in the company theyve come from. What’s more, there are no failures, as every idea is a growth experiment, from which the team can learn. Launch an idea competition in your office. Try asking non-marketing team members to come up with new taglines or customer support staff for ideas on how they think the homepage could be improved. Your next growth hack could be right on your doorstep. 2. Inspire Your Team with Humility As MeisterLabs’ CEO, Michael Hollauf, wrote recently for Entrepreneur, our expectation that leaders should fill a room with self-importance and confidence, might actually be wrong. A study from the University of Aveiro in Portugal revealed, humble leaders actually make their teams more creative. The research team found that when team members considered their boss to be a humble leader, they felt psychologically safer. This, in turn, increased their “psychological capitalâ€. These are the feelings of hope, optimism and resilience, which team members need to experience so they can perform at their peak. Data showed that when psycap rises, teams become more creative. “This capacity is especially relevant for leaders seeking to engender change. Dialectical processes are exemplified in cases such as Apple where leaders have devised a means to replace an existing order with a new oneA major source of contradiction in business is the need for the individual ego to assert itself and for the organization to contain egoism.†So Clegg, Pina e Cunha and Rego, of the University of Aveiro, recommend that for companies to enjoy the success of innovators like Apple, they should first look at their own leadership. By aiming to control personal egos, the study claims that companies stand to achieve a great deal. How to try this with your team If you feel humility is not yet a leadership forte at your company, don’t despair. You can turn to your team for help. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, draws on employee ideas to remain humble. What’s more, Kamprad takes these ideas seriously, no matter where they originate in the corporate organization chart. Kamprad once suggested: “the work floor is the best universityâ€. He’s also known for telling people he doesn’t know everything and “has many shortcomings.†What’s the result? IKEA is booming and Ingvar Kamprad is said to have a net worth of more than $33 billion. Interestingly, Kamprad still flies economy. Successful but still humble. Follow the lead of famously humble IKEA founder, Ingvar Kamprad. Get out there and chat to your team at every level of the company, particularly the levels you wouldnt usually interact with. You never know what ideas they might have stored. 3. Establish Creative Parameters You may well have heard about Roy Baumeister’s theory of decision fatigue. Baumeisters study found that having too much free-range, and specifically too much choice, leaves people mentally depleted and unable to choose wisely. Testing Baumeister’s findings, Johnathan Levav found that as decision fatigue begins to set in, people stop making decisions based on quality and instead go for the default option. In other words, Levav found that when provided with too much freedom, people within the study were actually taking the less creative decisions. We can recognize decision fatigue in creative workplaces too. When pushing for creativity, giving employees a completely blank slate, with no constraints, can backfire. Preventing decision fatigue in creative workplaces At FOCUS, we recently sat down with Wouter Zwarekant, Creative Director of the Dutch digital agency, We Brand Creative, to discuss how they successfully manage their creative projects. We Brand Creative handle concepts, strategies, designs and development, and do all of it in-house. As a result, creativity is absolutely central to their workflow. “Our team began small and this was a conscious decision. We’re a young team working in an informal, creative and open-minded atmosphere.†Wouter explains that the working environment was perfect for creative drive. Team members were able to bounce ideas off of one another and there was never any confusion over task division or deadlines. Wouter could simply lean across the table and ask about a project’s status. However, as their creative drive and market niche began to pay dividends, this informal working process soon became hectic: “Due to a combination of this relaxed attitude and our steady growth, we gradually lost the ability to keep track of all of our projects.†Setting parameters Wouter decided that in order to meet project deadlines, without crushing team creativity by micro-managing, they needed to set out some basic boundaries within their creative projects: “We know from experience that creative projects can often overrun so we started looking for a project management solution. MeisterTask allows us to make to-do lists for every project element. All team members are able to view deadlines, set roles and track progression, via the shared project dashboards. With these parameters in place, we became much better placed to stay focused and work towards a great final product.†We Brand Creative’s efforts have pulled off. The creative agency is thriving, delivering concurrent projects to a high standard, ahead of the deadline and on budget. All while still retaining the secret sauce that got them to where they are today: creativity. To prevent decision fatigue and promote creativity, try using a transparent task management tool. With MeisterTask you can keep team members in the loop with project parameters, without crushing creativity by micromanaging. Whether you’re a small company aiming to direct team creativity or a large enterprise looking to shake up structures, there are a few different leadership hacks teams can use to spark new ideas and sustain team creativity long term: Invite employees to experiment with company culture and product development Practice humility as a leader and consult your team Channel creative endeavors with a few parameters So those are our three tips for creative leadership. If you have any tips of your own, comments or questions, as always, reach out in the comments below! Creative team management made simple. Get started with MeisterTask Its free! Get started with MeisterTask 3 Creative Leadership Methods to Spark the Next Big Idea - Focus Innovation. Whether you’re watching a recent TED talk or looking up Forbes’ 30 under 30, innovation is a word that will come up over and over again. But as it turns out, it’s not just a buzzword. The likes of Snapchat, who claim to reach a mammoth 41% of all 18-25 year-olds in the U.S. daily, have seen huge gains from coming up with and harnessing, that one bright idea. So we know that creative thinking within startups and companies is leading to growth. The questions is how can you create an environment in which any single member of your team could come up with the next winning concept? We’ve looked at a bunch of studies, and included a hint of personal experience, to collate three proven creative leadership methods. Try these three techniques in your company to promote and sustain creativity in your team: 1. Set up a Team Experiment To create an environment where everyone’s ideas feel welcome, companies should take a leaf out of science’s book. Belle Beth Cooper, productivity expert, believes that by viewing work in a more scientific way, and conducting ideas as experiments, we stand to learn a great deal: “A scientist hasn’t failed in their work if their hypothesis turns out to be incorrect. Rather, all they have to do to succeed in their work is run the experiment and collect data. That data helps them form new hypotheses and run further experiments. Compare this to the average approach to work. There’ll usually be a clear aim in mind and not a great deal of scientific process when it comes to getting the work submitted by a deadline. You either do the work well or not, and turn it in on time, or not.†Buckminster Fuller tried and tested the experimental approach, back in the 1930s. By viewing every professional and personal decision as a micro-experiment, Fuller was able to turn his life around. He transformed from being on the brink of despair to becoming a famous writer, inventor, and designer of the architectural structures he’s remembered for today. You can apply this approach in your leadership too. To increase ideation, show your team that ideas are not only welcome but will be tried out as experiments. Your team will feel more confident to contribute ideas knowing that suggestions won’t succeed or fail, but will simply be proved or disproved, like a hypothesis. Either way, the company will stand to learn, develop and grow. At MeisterLabs, we’ve experimented with a bunch of different methods in our office and company culture, to see what would boost our collaboration and creativity. Some have succeeded (yogi Mondays and Fridays in the office) and some we decided to scrap (not-so-hot-desking Wednesdays). We’ll be running a series of articles soon to talk through these company culture experiments but our MeisterLabs experiments don’t stop there. We also like to experiment with our products its in our name after all. Run a team competition As Michael Kranner, MeisterLabs’ own Growth guy, shared with us on the FOCUS blog previously, our MeisterLabs growth team is the link between product development and marketing. However, product experiments extend outside of just the growth team. This year, the MeisterLabs team are running a competition where every team member is invited to propose a ‘growth experiment’ (or multiple) for either MindMeister or MeisterTask. Whoever comes up with the winning experiment will be awarded a trip to New York, on the company. The aim of the competition is to actively invite all employees, not just the growth team, to take the creative steering wheel. In turn, the company has come together to really be creative with how we think the products could be improved. Everyones suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, regardless of where in the company theyve come from. What’s more, there are no failures, as every idea is a growth experiment, from which the team can learn. Launch an idea competition in your office. Try asking non-marketing team members to come up with new taglines or customer support staff for ideas on how they think the homepage could be improved. Your next growth hack could be right on your doorstep. 2. Inspire Your Team with Humility As MeisterLabs’ CEO, Michael Hollauf, wrote recently for Entrepreneur, our expectation that leaders should fill a room with self-importance and confidence, might actually be wrong. A study from the University of Aveiro in Portugal revealed, humble leaders actually make their teams more creative. The research team found that when team members considered their boss to be a humble leader, they felt psychologically safer. This, in turn, increased their “psychological capitalâ€. These are the feelings of hope, optimism and resilience, which team members need to experience so they can perform at their peak. Data showed that when psycap rises, teams become more creative. “This capacity is especially relevant for leaders seeking to engender change. Dialectical processes are exemplified in cases such as Apple where leaders have devised a means to replace an existing order with a new oneA major source of contradiction in business is the need for the individual ego to assert itself and for the organization to contain egoism.†So Clegg, Pina e Cunha and Rego, of the University of Aveiro, recommend that for companies to enjoy the success of innovators like Apple, they should first look at their own leadership. By aiming to control personal egos, the study claims that companies stand to achieve a great deal. How to try this with your team If you feel humility is not yet a leadership forte at your company, don’t despair. You can turn to your team for help. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, draws on employee ideas to remain humble. What’s more, Kamprad takes these ideas seriously, no matter where they originate in the corporate organization chart. Kamprad once suggested: “the work floor is the best universityâ€. He’s also known for telling people he doesn’t know everything and “has many shortcomings.†What’s the result? IKEA is booming and Ingvar Kamprad is said to have a net worth of more than $33 billion. Interestingly, Kamprad still flies economy. Successful but still humble. Follow the lead of famously humble IKEA founder, Ingvar Kamprad. Get out there and chat to your team at every level of the company, particularly the levels you wouldnt usually interact with. You never know what ideas they might have stored. 3. Establish Creative Parameters You may well have heard about Roy Baumeister’s theory of decision fatigue. Baumeisters study found that having too much free-range, and specifically too much choice, leaves people mentally depleted and unable to choose wisely. Testing Baumeister’s findings, Johnathan Levav found that as decision fatigue begins to set in, people stop making decisions based on quality and instead go for the default option. In other words, Levav found that when provided with too much freedom, people within the study were actually taking the less creative decisions. We can recognize decision fatigue in creative workplaces too. When pushing for creativity, giving employees a completely blank slate, with no constraints, can backfire. Preventing decision fatigue in creative workplaces At FOCUS, we recently sat down with Wouter Zwarekant, Creative Director of the Dutch digital agency, We Brand Creative, to discuss how they successfully manage their creative projects. We Brand Creative handle concepts, strategies, designs and development, and do all of it in-house. As a result, creativity is absolutely central to their workflow. “Our team began small and this was a conscious decision. We’re a young team working in an informal, creative and open-minded atmosphere.†Wouter explains that the working environment was perfect for creative drive. Team members were able to bounce ideas off of one another and there was never any confusion over task division or deadlines. Wouter could simply lean across the table and ask about a project’s status. However, as their creative drive and market niche began to pay dividends, this informal working process soon became hectic: “Due to a combination of this relaxed attitude and our steady growth, we gradually lost the ability to keep track of all of our projects.†Setting parameters Wouter decided that in order to meet project deadlines, without crushing team creativity by micro-managing, they needed to set out some basic boundaries within their creative projects: “We know from experience that creative projects can often overrun so we started looking for a project management solution. MeisterTask allows us to make to-do lists for every project element. All team members are able to view deadlines, set roles and track progression, via the shared project dashboards. With these parameters in place, we became much better placed to stay focused and work towards a great final product.†We Brand Creative’s efforts have pulled off. The creative agency is thriving, delivering concurrent projects to a high standard, ahead of the deadline and on budget. All while still retaining the secret sauce that got them to where they are today: creativity. To prevent decision fatigue and promote creativity, try using a transparent task management tool. With MeisterTask you can keep team members in the loop with project parameters, without crushing creativity by micromanaging. Whether you’re a small company aiming to direct team creativity or a large enterprise looking to shake up structures, there are a few different leadership hacks teams can use to spark new ideas and sustain team creativity long term: Invite employees to experiment with company culture and product development Practice humility as a leader and consult your team Channel creative endeavors with a few parameters So those are our three tips for creative leadership. If you have any tips of your own, comments or questions, as always, reach out in the comments below! Creative team management made simple. Get started with MeisterTask Its free! Get started with MeisterTask
Friday, May 22, 2020
Tattoos And Piercings Work Environments - 1417 Words
Tattoos and Piercings in Work Environments â€Å"According to a 2010 Pew Research report, about 23% of adults born between 1981 and 1991 have piercings other than their earlobe†(Pfeifer, Web). Also, in 2012, 2 in 10 adults in the United States reported to have at least one tattoo. That number has increased to 3 in 10 adults just last year in 2015 (Shannon-Missal, Web). The prevalence of tattoos and piercings have increased dramatically over the past few decades, especially in teens and young adults known as Generation Y. Although the main reason for getting a tattoo or piercing can vary from person to person, the change in appearance is a way of expressing individuality and to portray your self-image to the public. Some people are hesitant when deciding where to get their tattoo or piercing because of the impact it will have on their appearance and in the workplace. Discrimination against tattoos and piercings in the workplace does exist, especially in white-collar employment , and it can prevent someone from potential employment or even a promotion because tattoos and piercings are considered unprofessional (Foltz, 589). Tattoos and piercings should be acceptable in the workplace because they are a way for people to express themselves and people should not be judged on their appearance, but by the quality of their work. Growing up, everyone is told that they should express themselves, to be proud of who they are and what they stand for; tattoos and piercings are just anotherShow MoreRelatedHow Do Tattoos And Piercings Can Affect Our Work Environment?1923 Words  | 8 Pageslooking at clothing and its purpose and what else it can bring to the table. Along with accessories and how they play a role in our image. Focusing on eye glasses and what they communicate to one’s co-workers. Then looking at how tattoos and piercings can affect our work environment. Clothing Purposes and Functions Clothing has its own meaning in communication. We are being judged by our clothing every time we come in contact with someone. Human communication is accomplished by two ways, one third by wordsRead MoreTattoos and Body Piercings as and Art Form992 Words  | 4 PagesAshley Beth Logan Manuscript Speech D. Webb Speech 106 Tattoos and Body Piercings Good evening. I would like to start by asking how many of you have a tattoo or piercing other than your ears. Did you know that in most work environments, you are usually not even considered for employment if you’re tattoo or piercing is visible during the interview? I am one of the many people who believe tattoos and body piercings are a form of self expression. However, there are still that few out there whoRead MoreComparative analysis Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Comparative Analysis of Josie Appleton’s article â€Å"The Body Piercing Project†and Bonnie Berkowitz’ â€Å"Tattooing Outgrows Its Renegade Image to Thrive In The Mainstream†. Traditionally, tattoos were meant for sailors, soldiers, bikers and gangs. Along with several changes in the industrialized and technological society of the twenty-first century, the standard for getting body modifications have altered as well. Everyday, people are willing to get permanently marked as an individual choice ratherRead MoreTattoos and Body Piercing in the Workforce1414 Words  | 6 PagesTattoos and Body Piercing in the Workforce What canvas holds some of the most creative artwork today? If you guessed the human skin, you would be right. However, about three decades ago, one would only find these types of markings and insignias on what would be considered the â€Å"rough†crowd: bikers, sailors, gang members, and prison inmates. Today; however, tattoos and piercings can be seen on nearly anyone from the age of 15 and up. Not to mention, these body modifications can be found on allRead MoreTattoos In A Work Place1666 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Tattoos in the Business World Since I was a little girl, I have always admired the different ways people â€Å"decorate†their bodies: colored hair, make-up, piercings, and tattoos. Though some may be a tad bit outrageous for my taste, I always appreciated it. Piercings, though visible a majority of the times, are easily hidden. There are special piercing rings that are clear, so that they may not be seen if prohibited in a certain environment. Tattoos on the other hand are a much more complicatedRead MoreBody Piercings And Its Impact On Society1665 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to insurmountable sources, piercings, especially in the ear primarily, have been around since 2500 BC and have been worn not only by women, but by men as well all around the world including William Shakespeare and Julius Caesar. As body piercings become increasingly popular in modern culture, it has brought many researchers to the realization that this trend is a tragic insight into an individual’s psyche as well as their physical being and opportunities in the workplace even though it’sRead More Body Art and the Catholic Church Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesCatholic Church I have always wondered if the Catholic church approved of tattooing and body piercing. I am not the type of person that most people think of when they think of tattooed or pierced individual. When I tell people that I have tattoos, people always say â€Å"but you don’t seem like the kind of person who would get a tattoo.†I personally do not believe that certain kinds of people get tattoos and I wondered what my religion would think of my â€Å"art.†I have gone to a Catholic church my wholeRead MorePersonal Selling Strategy : Dress Code Essay884 Words  | 4 Pagesbusiness will be unusual when it comes to the dress code. Tattoo and or piercing shops are not held to the same standards as corporate/other forms of employment. In our business we will be going against the norm and require that our artist employees have at least one visible tattoo and preferably one piercing. This is due to the simple fact that someone who wishes to get a tattoo would prefer tha t the individual performing the work have tattoos themselves. The idea boils down to our company’s preferredRead MoreBusiness Casual Dress Code Of The Workplace1569 Words  | 7 Pages There are benefits to wearing casual clothing in the workplace, such as good morale, open communication between managers and employees, and a lack of cost to the employer (Gutierrez Freese, 1999, p. 35-36). It all depends on the companies you work for and what they consider as business casual or if they meet with the public on a daily basis will affect the dress code. Culture also plays a big factor in the dress code at the companies. A dress code policy that may demand business attire mayRead MoreWhat Do Tattoos And Piercings Affect The Perception That Prospective Employers870 Words  | 4 Pages What does a professional Medical Assistant wear to work? How about to an interview? And how do tattoos and piercings affect the perception that prospective employers, fellow employees and patients form about an applicant? Manner of dress and personal appearance present a lasting first impression that can counterbalance an outstanding resume, and can make or break the chance to gain employment in the medical field. At Carrington College the dress code includes grey scrubs with the Carrington
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Natural Rights and How They Relate to U.S. Independence
When the authors of the U.S. Declaration of Independence spoke of all people being endowed with â€Å"unalienable Rights,†such as â€Å"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,†they were confirming their belief in the existence of â€Å"natural rights.†In modern society, every individual has two types of rights: Natural rights and legal rights. Natural rights are rights granted to all people by nature or God that cannot be denied or restricted by any government or individual. Natural rights are often said to be granted to people by â€Å"natural law.†Legal rights are rights granted by governments or legal systems. As such, they can also be modified, restricted or repealed. In the United States, legal rights are granted by the legislative bodies of the federal, state and local governments. The concept of a natural law establishing the existence of specific natural rights first appeared in ancient Greek philosophy and was referred to by Roman philosopher Cicero. It was later referred to in the Bible and further developed during the Middle Ages. Natural rights were cited during the Age of Enlightenment to oppose Absolutism  the divine right of kings. Today, some philosophers and political scientists contend that human rights are synonymous with natural rights. Others prefer to keep the terms separate in order to avoid the mistaken association of the aspects of human rights not typically applied to natural rights. For example, natural rights are considered to be beyond the powers of human governments to deny or protect. Jefferson, Locke, Natural Rights, and Independence. In drafting the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson justified demanding independence by citing several examples of ways in which England’s King George III had refused to recognize the natural rights of American colonists. Even with fighting between colonists and British troops already taking place on American soil, most members of Congress still hoped for a peaceful agreement with their motherland. In the first two paragraphs of that fateful document adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, Jefferson revealed his idea of natural rights in the often-quoted phrases, â€Å"all men are created equal,†â€Å"inalienable rights,†and â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.†Educated during the Age of Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, Jefferson adopted the beliefs of philosophers who used reason and science to explain human behavior. Like those thinkers, Jefferson believed universal adherence to the â€Å"laws of nature†to be the key to advancing humanity. Many historians agree that Jefferson drew most of his beliefs in the importance of natural rights he expressed in the Declaration of Independence from the Second Treatise of Government, written by renowned English philosopher John Locke in 1689, as England’s own Glorious Revolution was overthrowing the reign of King James II. The assertion is hard to deny because, in his paper, Locke wrote that all people are born with certain, God-given â€Å"inalienable†natural rights that governments can neither grant nor revoke, including â€Å"life, liberty, and property.†Locke also argued that along with land and belongings, â€Å"property†included the individual’s â€Å"self,†which included well being or happiness. Locke also believed that it was the single most important duty of governments to protect the God-given natural rights of their citizens. In return, Locke expected those citizens to follow the legal laws enacted by the government. Should the government break this â€Å"contract†with its citizens by enacting â€Å"a long train of abuses,†the citizens had the right to abolish and replace that government. By listing the â€Å"long train of abuses†committed by King George III against American colonists in the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson used Locke’s theory to justify the American Revolution. â€Å"We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.†– The Declaration of Independence. Natural Rights in a Time of Slavery? â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal†As by far the best-known phrase in the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal,†is often said to summarize both the reason for revolution, as well as the theory of natural rights. But with slavery being practiced throughout the American Colonies in 1776, did Jefferson – a life-long slave owner himself – really believe the immortal words he had written? Some of Jefferson’s fellow slave-owning separatists justified the obvious contradiction by explaining that only â€Å"civilized†people had natural rights, thus excluding slaves from eligibility. As for Jefferson, history shows that he had long believed the slave trade was morally wrong and attempted to denounce it in the Declaration of Independence. â€Å"He (King George) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither,†he wrote in a draft of the document. However, Jefferson’s anti-slavery statement was removed from the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson later blamed the removal of his statement on influential delegates who represented merchants who were at the time dependent on the Transatlantic slave trade for their livelihoods. Other delegates may have feared the possible loss of their financial support for the expected Revolutionary War. Despite the fact that he continued to keep most of his slaves for years after the Revolution, many historians agree that Jefferson sided with Scottish philosopher, Francis Hutcheson, who had written, â€Å"Nature makes none masters, none slaves,†in expressing his belief that all people are born as moral equals. On the other hand, Jefferson had expressed his fear that suddenly freeing all of the slaves might result in a bitter race war ending in the virtual extermination of the former slaves. While slavery would persist in the United States until the end of the Civil War 89 years after issuance of the Declaration of Independence, many of the human equality and rights promised in the document continued to be denied to African Americans, other minorities, and women for years. Even today, for many Americans, the true meaning of equality and its related application of natural rights in areas such as racial profiling, gay rights, and gender-based discrimination remain an issue.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Study On Low Back Pain Anthropology Essay Free Essays
The well-known anthropologist W.M. Krogman frequently talked about the jobs modern worlds have in some of their biological characteristics as being the consequence of the manner we evolved, what Krogman called the â€Å" cicatrixs of human development. We will write a custom essay sample on A Study On Low Back Pain Anthropology Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now †Discuss a biological composite that you believe Krogman might hold been mentioning to, and include in your essay some grounds why he might hold called these a cicatrix of human development. As hominids began walking upright, they underwent extended morphological versions. The human anchor was forced to suit to new perpendicular weight-bearing emphasiss. As a consequence of this comparatively recent development in the spinal column, modern worlds regularly experience lower back strivings, which can be labeled as â€Å" a cicatrix of human development. †In modern worlds, the vertebral column environments and protects the spinal cord as it descends from the brain-stem at the hiatuss magnum to the lower bole. The vertebral column provides the organic structure ‘s chief axial support, but it still remains flexible ; the spinal column is comprised of 24 single castanetss, called vertebrae, and two amalgamate castanetss, the tail bone and the sacrum. The first 7 vertebrae located in the cervix are cervical vertebrae, followed by 12 thoracic vertebrae that connect to the rib coop, and 5 lumbar vertebrae that make up the lower dorsum. The sacrum is composed of 5 vertebrae ( organizing the dorsum of the pelvic girdle ) that fuse together during maturity. The tail bone ( the tailbone ) is made up of irregularly shaped vertebrae that fuse together between the ages of four and six old ages. The thoracic and sacral curvatures form during foetal development. The cervical curve signifiers when a human baby begins to keep up its caput. The c oncave lumbar curve signifiers when a immature human kid begins to walk. These characteristics maintain the balance and support necessary for bipedalism. In quadrupeds, there is a gently C-shaped curve that makes the pectoral part of the spinal column somewhat convex. The human biped, nevertheless, has an S-shaped spinal column ensuing from opposing curvatures ( in the cervical and lumbar spinal parts ) grafted onto the C-shape curvature of a quadruped. The lower dorsum ( lumbar ) vertebrae signifier a really acute curve in worlds by puting the last two inter-vertebral phonograph record at a pronounced angle to the transition of organic structure weight. The spinal curves in the biped let the weight of the organic structure to be carried straight over the hip joint sockets in the midplane, by conveying the centre of gravitation closer to the hips. The weight of a biped is borne down the spinal column to the sacrum, where it passes to the hips and so through the two legs. Because the sum of weight additions increasingly down the spinal column, the vertebrae of a biped are progressively larger as they approach the lumbar part. In contrast, weight bearing does non increase along the spinal column of a quadruped, and so the vertebrae remain of about equal size in the different parts of the spinal column. Intervertebral phonograph record of connective tissue separate each vertebra. The exterior is made up of several beds of fibrocartilage. The interior is the karyon, which is filled with a mush that has the consistence of Jell-O. The karyon of the phonograph record act to buffer each vertebra and absorb daze. Once a human reaches maturity, the operation of the spinal column goes downhill. With age, the spongy discs between the vertebrae lose wet and snap ; the mush inside loses flexibleness and becomes less lissome. The harder, drier discs lose tallness, conveying the vertebrae closer together. Many persons develop serious complications of the vertebral column. Intervertebral phonograph record dislocations affect 1000000s of people worldwide ; many suffer serious chronic hurting, and life long disablement. A ruptured phonograph record, â€Å" a slipped phonograph record †in common idiom, occurs when an intervertebral phonograph record becomes thinner and compressed, doing a herniation of the phonograph record ‘s contents and force per unit area on the spinal nervousnesss, most significantly, the chief sciatic nervus. A tear in the annulus fibrosis on an intervertebral phonograph record allows the soft nucleus pulpous to seep out. This herniation consequences in loss of musculus. An illustration of this muscular devolution is foot retarding force. Almost 90 per centum of herniations happen in vertebrae 4 and 5 in the lumbar vertebrae. These vertebrae have the most acute curve, and bring forth our unsloped position. Because these two vertebrae are so angled, they bear the most differential weight and, consequently, suffer the gr eatest wear and tear. Most people can retrieve from intervertebral phonograph records breakdown without surgery ; the mush that is seeping out will finally abjure from the nervus because it loses wet and it shrinks. However, there are more than 4 million operations a twelvemonth in the United States entirely to rectify disc herniations. If an intervertebral phonograph record interruptions down and consequences in force per unit area on the spinal cord, it can be life endangering. The most immediate symptom is the loss of vesica and bowl control. Another serious complication of the vertebral column is osteoarthritis – the dislocation and eventual loss of the gristle between the vertebrae. This consequences in thickener of the articulations and back uping ligaments and the growing of bony goads that can shut in around the issues for the spinal nervousnesss. Osteoarthritis can take to spinal stricture, which is â€Å" the narrowing of the cardinal spinal canal or its sidelong deferrals †( Weinstein ) . Lower back hurting was non every bit large as a job for our ascendants. There are three theories to explicate this fact. The first account is that the little organic structure of our ascendants led to less force through lumbar system. The 2nd account is that our ascendants were non couch murphies. Our ascendants had improbably powerful musculuss ( robust castanetss and big articulations ) , as a consequence of changeless physical activity. This helped to continue the lower dorsum. The 3rd account is that our ascendants did non populate every bit long as modern worlds, as so they did non make the age where back jobs emerge. In support of this theory is the fact that the average age for disc surgery is 42 old ages old. Today, more than 70 per centum of grownups suffer from back hurting at one point in their lives, and 30 per centum have had it in the last 30 yearss. There are many ways to handle and forestall back hurting in modern worlds. The most of import is exercising, and increasing our musculus tone of the dorsum and legs. Minimizing sitting is besides good, because chairs offer uneven distribution of weight. Surgery is a intervention option, but it should be the last option ; surgery can be really painful, and sometimes it does non relieve the hurting. Treating back hurting presently costs $ 26 billion a twelvemonth ; which is 2.5 per centum of entire wellness attention costs in the United States. Lower dorsum hurting is a biological composite that Krogman would hold clearly labeled as a cicatrix of human development. It is the inevitable merchandise of bipedalism and length of service. Hopefully medical scientific discipline will progress to a point where it can more efficaciously relieve this painful effect of human development. Mentions: Deyo, Richard A. â€Å" Low Back Pain. †Blackboard. Web. Mann, Alan. â€Å" Bipedalism, Power Point Presentations 1 and 2. †Lecture. How to cite A Study On Low Back Pain Anthropology Essay, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
School Therapists and Therapy in Mental Health Why We Need More Mental Hea free essay sample
One in five children and adolescents have some debilitating mental illness in their lifetime (Educators Providers). Some would say that is a shocking number, but what is even more shocking is the fact that almost two-thirds of children are not getting the proper help they need (Educators Providers). In Frederick County alone the population consists of almost 24% children under the age of 18. When the math is broken down, that means there are about 58,887 children in Frederick County (Population Estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)), of those numbers almost 12,000 of them have or are going to have a mental illness (Educators Providers) and that is why mental wellness is a huge topic of concern in today’s news. Children are not getting the proper attention they need in terms of proper mental health. Without suitable mental health, not a single child can focus and set goals towards education and academics when it comes to learning in school. We will write a custom essay sample on School Therapists and Therapy in Mental Health: Why We Need More Mental Hea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are things as a community that can be done to help children under 18 in Frederick County Public Schools. Together with proper education, funding, awareness, planning and commitment a change can be made. Without a change to mental health awareness, children in Frederick County will suffer. They will fail. They will not be prepared for life after school and ultimately will come to more than one demise. It is of key importance to change how the educational system works in terms of mental health. The students are not just grades and a statistic, they are people with emotions, feelings and have personal lives outside of school that affect their wellbeing and behavior in school. Once a change is made, the children in the community of Frederick County will be more successful, healthier, happier and more determined to do well. It will take the help of parents, students, teachers, faculty and the head of FCPS to make this change for better. A proactive approach needs to be taken like the one in Fairfax County, VA. In Fairfax County, after several suicides in the student body the school board realized that a system was needed to help children handle mental health more properly (T, Rees S.). The community needs to understand that this movement in mental health needs to be a cooperative one. Fairfax County since the tragic events has managed to take the efforts into their own hands and use psychologists, social workers and counselors to aide in developing children and teenager’s mental health (T, Rees S.). As a community, Frederick County Public Schools can do something like Fairfax County to incorporate ideas like a â€Å"less stress week†and prov ide thorough education on mental wellbeing. Furthermore, education and awareness needs to play a huge role in changing the stigma of mental health illnesses. While raising awareness, and providing education is extremely beneficial to improving mental health. Frederick County needs a way to manage and help children in need. The sake of their future depends on a plan and a solution. The most important task that needs to be done is the proper incorporation of school therapists. The term â€Å"proper†is used because in Frederick County Public Schools there are school therapists in certain schools, they are in seven school locations for students â€Å"who require intensive special education and therapeutic services†(Special Education). There are students in all age ranges and in each Frederick County Public School who could use a school therapist. When it comes to down to guidance counselors, such as ones in secondary schools, they are swamped by scheduling, grades, transcripts, letters of recommendation and college and career goals while they are supposed to have time for â€Å"personal/social development†; but that of ten is hard to find time for. The community is in dire need of school therapists with proper background and ones that are readily available to all students, not just those in â€Å"The Pyramid Program†(one of the seven locations previously mentioned) of Frederick County. If each school had a school therapist with the correct background and training, guidance counselors would be less stressed and could spend more time on academics while conversing with the school therapist in case of an incident when a student is not academically achieving because of a mental health issue or family life conflict. There needs to be a personalized approach guided by multiple people. Once school therapists are established in every school, behavior and student achievement rises immensely (Research on School Counseling Effectiveness).Counseling services provide emotional, social and/or behavioral resolutions, which in turn develops clearer focus towards success (Research on School Counseling Effectiveness).School therapists can incorporate both individual and group sessions and create access to â€Å"school-based mental health prevention and intervention programs can help reduce non-academic barriers to learning†(Bohnenkamp, Jill H.). School therapists and counseling services in school are of huge importance and prevalent to children’s success and future. According to Chamberlin, â€Å"mental health services are the fastest-growing component of school-based health care. In the last 10 years, the number of school-based health centers with mental health professionals on staff has more than doubled.†Now that mental health is gaining more prevalence and attention schools should modify their missions. Take Linganore High School’s mission into consideration, â€Å"to equip students for life-long learning through lessons in academics, accountability, and attitude†(Welcome to Linganore High School).To complete this mission, mental health must be in check and properly taken care of. Everyone in the school and the community will need to come together to accomplish life changing aspirations and goals. Wouldn’t you agree that a sense of safety and assurance would be guaranteed if everyone pitched into this movement of better mental health? Would you want your child to suffer alone and helpless? I wouldnt. Together we can ensure that children are more content, influential and on the right track. Once there more school therapists and school counselors guiding the future of mental health in a positive and productive way, then we can add useful solutions to gaining better mental health such as adopting the idea of mindfulness classes in all schools, even elementary schools. The schools could offer a class on mental wellbeing as part of health education and or physical education. In Cane Run Elementary School in Louisville, Kentucky, instead of desks there are yoga mats that line the floor (Oaklander, Mandy). The lights are off and there is a background sound of water. This setting and class guides the children through relaxation exercises. This allows the students to be in the present and to take in their surroundings. In Frederick County Public Schools, a similar approach to mindfulness classes could be taken and could show results such as increased academics, increased determination and skill sets. Mindfulness classes show other exciting and promising results, â€Å"Althoug h research on mindfulness in children is still preliminary, studies show that it can help kids who have anxiety and trouble paying attention with their schoolwork, behavior and stress regulation. First-through third-graders who were taught mindfulness and breathing techniques had fewer ADHD symptoms and less test anxiety, one study found. Even for kids without these issues, mindfulness has been shown to increase kindness, sleep quality and even math scores†(Oaklander, Mandy). Similarly, another class type that could be exceptionally beneficial to Frederick County Public Schools is art therapy. Art therapy combines knowledge and understanding of human development, psychological theories and techniques with visual arts and the creative process to provide a unique approach to help improve psychological health, cognitive abilities, and sensory-motor functions (About Us American Art Therapy Association). Art therapists use creativity and art media to develop â€Å"interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight†(About Us American Art Therapy Association). Matt Keating, of The Guardian, after researching and studying art therapy effects on children realized that this is a massive opportunity that should be offered in all schools. There are students who have unmentionable conflicts and obstacles in their life that affect them every single second, and majority of the time someone with the proper authority at school doesnt know about it. Art therapy can be a solution. Read the following, â€Å"In a classroom full of art materials a 14-year-old is tearing paper, twisting it, and sticking it together. For the most part, she stays silent. The therapist also remains mute, not wanting to intrude into this very private space. When the teenager does speak, she tells of her father being nursed at home, dying from cancer; of how she is putting on a brave face; and of the great burden her mother is carrying†(Keating, Matt). When life throws challenges at someone, handling by oneself isnt the right way to fix what they are constantly thinking about. Therapy of any sort, whether that is art therapy or not, provided by schools will lead to better futures. Students will be prepared for anything if they are mentally i n a stable state. Everyone has experienced an event in their life that bogs them down and interrupts their concentration so this will be helpful change that aides every single student. Children are fragile and growing. All children are developing and need support. One person in Frederick County whom does her best to make sure children are getting the best and proper mental health is Ann Hammond, supervisor of psychology for Frederick County Public Schools. Ann Hammond has a great deal of insight, she believes that each school should have a school therapist on sight because â€Å"20% of students have a diagnosable mental illness that could respond well to therapeutic interventions. In addition, therapists could provide prevention and support for improved school wide climate.†Ann Hammond also believes that â€Å"education and communication about illnesses and disabilities are almost always a good thing to increase understanding and reduce stigma†. Ann Hammond mentioned that the school therapists in the seven public school locations of Frederick County are a â€Å"critical component†of successful transitions in student development. With that being said, change can be good. The change in mental health protocol and awareness would be one that saves the lives of children. It would lead to a new future of success and less stress. A future of pure knowledge and mental capacity like no other. The future could result in a bright new beginning if school therapists were in every school. Mental illnesses would go down, and the help that those two-thirds of children need would be available. Works Cited About Us American Art Therapy Association. American Art Therapy Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016. Bohnenkamp, Jill H. Supporting Student Mental Health: The Role Of The School Nurse In Coordinated School Mental Health Care.Psychology In The Schools 52.7 (2015): 714-727. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Nov. 2016. Chamberlin, Jamie. Schools Expand Mental Health Care. APA, 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2016. Educators Providers. Children’s Mental Health Matters Educators Providers Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016. Hammond, Ann. School Therapists Role in Mental Health in Frederick County. E-mail Interview. 17 Nov. 2016. (Pending) Keating, Matt. Matt Keating Reports on the Educational Benefits of Art Therapy. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 13 Nov. 2007. Web. 14 Nov. 2016. Welcome to Linganore High School. Welcome to Linganore High School. FCPS, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2016. Oaklander, Mandy. The Mindful Classroom. Time 188.13 (2016): 44-47. Academic Search Prem ier. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. Population Estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015). Frederick County Maryland QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2016. Research on School Counseling Effectiveness. Research (CA Dept of Education). California Department of Education, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016. Special Education. FCPS Facilities Documents (2015): 202-20. Web. T, Rees S. After Fairfax County Student Deaths, a Renwed [sic] Focus on Mental Health. The Washington Post Feb 24 2014. ProQuest. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
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