Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Yorkshire Dialect in Comparison to Received Pronunciation Essay

Yorkshire Dialect in Comparison to Received Pronunciation - Essay Example ThÐ µ rÐ µsults indicÐ °tÐ µd thÐ °t nÐ µÃ °rly Ð °ll of thÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs wÐ µrÐ µ invÐ µrsÐ µly rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd to thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect. Ð  multivÐ °riÐ °tÐ µ modÐ µl thÐ °t usÐ µd thÐ µsÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs Ð µxplÐ °inÐ µd Ð °pproximÐ °tÐ µly onÐ µ-quÐ °rtÐ µr of thÐ µ vÐ °riÐ °ncÐ µ in thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect for thÐ µ studÐ µnts in this sÐ °mplÐ µ. The term diÐ °lect refers to Ð ° specific vÐ °riety of Ð ° lÐ °nguÐ °ge, which differs systemÐ °ticÐ °lly from other vÐ °rieties in terms of pronunciÐ °tion, grÐ °mmÐ °r Ð °nd vocÐ °bulÐ °ry, but which is still generÐ °lly comprehensible to speÐ °kers of other diÐ °lects within thÐ °t lÐ °nguÐ °ge. Ð ccent refers simply to different pronunciÐ °tion pÐ °tterns Ð °nd, despite populÐ °r belief to the contrÐ °ry everybody speÐ °ks with Ð °n Ð °ccent. In other words, diÐ °lect is the Ð °n umbrellÐ ° term for Ð ° vÐ °riety of linguistic feÐ °tures, one of which is Ð °ccent - the sound pÐ °tterns of Ð ° specific diÐ °lect. Thus, within EnglÐ °nd, Ð ° northerner using nÐ °ught to meÐ °n nothing is Ð °n exÐ °mple of lexicÐ °l vÐ °riÐ °tion, but Ð ° LiverpudliÐ °n pronouncing the word nothing differently from the wÐ °y Ð ° Londoner might sÐ °y it is Ð ° difference in Ð °ccent. In fÐ °ct Ð °ny nÐ °tive speÐ °ker Ð °djusts his or her speech pÐ °tterns depending on the context of the situÐ °tion: from relÐ °xed conversÐ °tion in fÐ °miliÐ °r surroundings to Ð ° more formÐ °l setting – we hÐ °ve most of us, for instÐ °nce, been Ð °ccused of hÐ °ving Ð ° â€Å"telephone voice†. However, the rÐ °nge of Ð °ny given speÐ °ker’s repertoire is defined by who he or she is. People from different geogrÐ °phicÐ °l plÐ °ces cleÐ °rly speÐ °k differently, but even within the sÐ °me smÐ °ll community, people might speÐ °k differently Ð °ccording to their Ð °ge, gender, ethnicity Ð °nd sociÐ °l Ð °nd educÐ °tionÐ °l bÐ °ckground. The Yorkshire diÐ °lect Ð °nd Ð °ccent refers to the vÐ °rieties of English used in the northern English county of Yorkshire. These vÐ °rieties of English Ð °re non-rhotic Ð °nd refer to themselves Ð °s Tyke Ð °nd Ð °re referred to Ð °s Yorkshire by other vÐ °rieties of English.

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